Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Freedom Project - for Adults

The Freedom Project is a study of America's Founding documents and principles of government including The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen. This project studies various forms of government and their effect upon the happiness of the people.

Participants will learn by:
  1. Reading and discussing the lives and works of individuals who fought for freedom
  2. Lectures on foundational principles of freedom
  3. Annotating the U.S. Constitution
  4. Writing workshops which develop the power of personal influence
  5. Field experience while taking active involvement in local government

Please join us in the Freedom Project where you will be empowered with greater knowledge of the Founding Fathers to effectively promote the cause of liberty.

The Freedom Project meets in a classroom setting twice a month for nine months. This project is offered in communities around the United States and Canada, as well as Online.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free . . . it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, as Jefferson cautioned, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed." Ronald Reagan
Sign up for a Freedom Project Class near you. Look at the sidebar on the right for schedules.

The Freedom Project Certification
and Continuing Education Credit:

George Wythe University’s “Freedom Project Certification” accompanies this project. (See for the Freedom Project Certification requirements.) Upon completion of the certification three credits may be purchased and applied to a George Wythe University degree program.

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